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« JWZ Gets a Treo 650 | Main | Pretty flowers »

Treo 650 and Reverse Bluetouth DUN


Treonauts talks about reverse bluetooth dial up networking

Whereas the standard BT DUN (Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking) enables your PC to be online via the data connection on your Treo, Reverse BT DUN enables your Treo to be online via your PC’s broadband connection – thus the ‘reverse’ name.

This is pretty slick I must say. Great idea. I'd love to have more transparent Internet on my Treo.

I think the real issue though is to have it auto-detect and have your laptop automatically enable this functionality.

This is the one area thats lacking for me with the Treo. While the DUN hacks do work I can't use the Internet on my phone when it's enabled. It's also fairly buggy and will cause the Treo to crash.

Now that I think about it there's a firmware upgrade for my Treo which I haven't had a chance to play with yet. Maybe this will fix the DUN instability.


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