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New Rojo Features!

Rojo has a new build available with more features, stability, and better performance.

Chris does a great job of covering the new features but a quick summary would be nice:

  • Better tag support (better support throughout the UI)
  • Better performance
  • Unread support (show unread only)

The Blogosphere has some comments on the new release:

Knowledge Jolt with Jack says

Rojo is the first aggregator I've seen that incorporates the concept of tagging into the feed reading experience. I particularly like that I can now apply multiple tags to my feeds, so that one can read in multiple contexts.  There can now be overlap between my KM feeds and my Regular Reads, for example.  This is opposed to the current framework of folders where each feed only fits into one folder.  This might be enough to get me to jump away from my current aggregator.


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so, what about Newsmonster now?

it doesnt work at all on any current mozilla driven browsers.

are you abandoned it?

//now try the JRE directories within Program Files.
javadir = drive;
javadir.append( "Program Files" );

who said that on win32:
%Programfiles% == "Program Files"

always and everywhere?

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